Biodiversity of Oomycetes associated with Marine Algae and Seagrass

ForBio and the ArtsDatabanken project "Characterising Oomycetes in Brown Algae along the Norwegian Coast (OOMYCOAST)" invite applicants to "Biodiversity of Oomycetes associated with Marine Algae and Seagrass". The course is hosted by Thomas Jung and Marília Horta Jung (both Mendel University in Brno) and Marit F. M. Bjorbækmo (Norwegian Institute for Water Research [NIVA]) and will be held at the Marine Research Station Drøbak of the University of Oslo.

Oomycetes are a class of filamentous, fungus-like, eukaryotic organisms that are important pathogens and saprotrophs of a range of organisms, including seaweeds, both kelp and rockweed.

Despite their ubiquity and ecological importance, the species diversity and distribution patterns of marine oomycetes are largely unknown. DNA-based studies have revealed that oomycetes are an abundant and species-rich group of eukaryotes. Currently, there are more than 1200 named oomycete species, but it has been estimated that only around 10% of the global oomycete species diversity is known. New species are being discovered at a fast pace, and the pathogenicity and host ranges of these novel taxa are often unknown. Basic information about taxonomy and epidemiology of marine oomycete seaweed pathogens has so far been a black box.


The aim of this course to provide training in different taxonomic groups (Phytophthora, Halophytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium) of filamentous oomycetes, and to provide an overview of the known diversity in Europe including Norway. In the course, we will have lectures on theoretical topics of each taxon such the taxonomy, life history, and morphology, but mostly also practical training. We will experience how to sample these organisms in the field, extract and preserve them for further investigations in the lab and especially how to identify them morphologically. The course will also teach how to properly document the specimens found and identified in the field.


During the course the participants will learn about:

  • Selected oomycete taxa (Phytophthora, Halophytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium) occurring in marine algae and seagrass meadows.
  • Collection of material at shallow sublittoral habitats of rocky shores and in bays.
  • Baiting techniques for capturing marine oomycetes
  • Cultivation techniques for cultivating oomycete taxa from marine algae and seagrass, and from bait samples.
  • Collection of marine algae, seagrass, and water for environmental DNA (eDNA) analyses to investigate the biodiversity of marine oomycetes.
  • Methods used for species identification and biodiversity assessment


Course venue

The location of the Marine Research Station Drøbak in the Oslofjord will provide access to diverse marine macroalgal and seagrass communities. The station has laboratory facilities with stereomicroscopes and simple accommodation (shared rooms and common kitchen facilities).



Thomas Jung 

Marília Horta Jung

Marit F. M. Bjorbækmo 



Max 10 participants. Participants will be selected based on the registration form, which includes a paragraph for motivation and importance of the course for your study/work.


Course fee

There is no course fee required from ForBio members or associates. Find out about how to become a ForBio member/associate here


Local logistics

All students are expected to arrive on June 9th, arrival on June 10th is possible before the course start (09:00 am). Departure on June 15th before noon.





Please apply for the course here

Application deadline: May 27th, 2024


Assignment and credits

The course is equivalent to 3 ECTS (includes full attendance, preparatory activities, and assignment). ForBio will provide certificates for those successfully completed the course assignment.



Marit F. M. Bjorbækmo - Quentin Mauvisseau - Micah Dunthorn for course content or logistics and practical arrangements and or practicalities. 

Published Feb. 14, 2024 11:36 AM - Last modified May 13, 2024 2:57 PM